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Surgical treatment of various diseases has broad application.

By the nature of surgical intervention patients were divided as follows:

thoracotomy, pulmonary resection, pulmonektomiya and lobectomy, resection of the stomach and intestines, cholecystectomy, nephrectomy, adenomectomy (prostatectomy); splenectomy; herniotomy, appendectomy, surgery on the heart, blood vessels; trial laparatomiya; mastectomy (mastectomy), etc.

However, after surgery often experience various complications of the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and other systems. Some of these complications are a consequence of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. Yet we know that early movement activity of patients can prevent these complications.

Early postoperative physical activity and body massage with oxygen therapy contribute to more rapid normalization of functional systems, tissue regeneration, metabolic processes (V. Dubrovsky, 1969, 1973).

It is known that passive bed rest leads to a slowing of blood and lymph flow, regenerative processes, muscle atrophy, stagnation in the lungs of pulmonary ventilation and other phenomena that contribute to the appearance of postoperative complications.

Fast and fully restore the health of patients depends on the compensatory adjustment of all organs and systems, especially respiratory and circulatory system. Of course, that this restructuring can be achieved only drug therapy. Physiological activities (exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, diet, etc.) to the maximum extent contribute to the restoration of vital functions of body systems and prevent postoperative complications (Scheme XII).

It is well known that muscle activity is a leading management and regulation of various processes in the human body, as well as to restore its internal environment (homeostasis) under various diseases, including after surgery.

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