KINESITHERAPY AT Childhood Illness (preschool and primary school age)
The child's body is different from an adult by a number of significant features. The main feature of the child's body is its rapid growth and development (Fig. 133). High rate of growth and development remains in preschool and school age, particularly intensified in the period preceding puberty, and puberty.
Fig. 133
Growth and development of the child's body are dependent on environmental conditions, the activity of the child's diet and other factors.The special role played by the movement, games, hardening, etc. (Fig. 134).
Fig. 134. The work of the heart at rest and during different activities schoolboy
Significant energy consumption during muscular activity stimulates the growth and development of the child, because when there is insufficient physical activity violated the metabolic processes. Academician PK Anokhin believes that the motor activity of the growing organism is very important for the functional improvement of its separate organs and systems (Fig. 135).
In the course of physical training improves functional performance of the cardiovascular system, accelerating its development, is improving the health of the child. And it is impossible to overestimate the role of exercise therapy. Under the influence of muscle loading dose in the body of the child occur multiple physiological and biochemical processes aimed at restoring impaired functions. Exercise causes increased metabolism in the tissues, improve the overall condition. Through the mechanism of stimulating activities, they warned the delay of growth and child development, enhance nonspecific resistance to his body.
In early childhood massage (see Fig. 52) is one of the important methods of complex therapy. It is simple to implement, it can acquire and hold the child's mother, after completing a training course with a specialist.
Fig. 135. Cardiorespiratory system in different functional states schoolboy