A very long time physical culture is used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent in various diseases. Even in ancient times was used for health promotion exercise, sauna (bath), massage, hydrotherapy, diet and other means. For example, in ancient India, China, Egypt in bad joint mobility used by stretching, massage and water therapy. In ancient Indian surgeon Sushruta in his practice applies physical, breathing exercises, as well as massage and hardening.
Chinese doctors were ground and pulled the joints with different symptoms. In the book «Cong-fou» (3000 BC) describes the active, passive and combined exercises and massage, that is, grinding. Scientists suggest that preventive medicine is the birthplace of ancient China. Chinese believed the most important aspect of disease prevention medicine. Aphorism "This doctor is not he who heals the sick, and he who prevents the disease" came up with the Chinese.
In ancient India, yogis have used at least 800 of breathing exercises, most of all - for holding your breath, with the help of these exercises are prevented and treated disease.
In ancient China, in almost every province has a medical-school gym, where trained doctors - taosse "who knew the technique of therapeutic exercises and massage. Similar medical-gymnastic schools were used as health centers.
In ancient Greece, Hippocrates, Asklepiad, Galen, Celsus, and others often used a variety of exercises, massage, hydrotherapy, diet to treat and prevent all sorts of diseases. Greek surgeon Antilos was the author of works about the gym. In ancient Rome, usually bodily exercise, massage and water procedures involved in the baths (baths).
Ancient Egyptian doctors were struggling with rheumatism with physical exercise, massage, diet, gidroprotsedur.
In ancient Rome, therapeutic exercise was particularly well developed. The book Oribaza created in 360 AD, describes almost all the materials of the time, with remedial gymnastics play a full book. K. Galen used the gym for the treatment and prevention of diseases of bone and muscular systems, also at the wrong metabolism, sexual weakness, etc., among other things, from a therapeutic purpose, he ordered the sports exercise (rowing, walking outdoors, etc. ), picking berries, fruits and vegetables, besides excursions and grinding. In its edition of "The Art of return to health" K. Galen said: "Thousands and thousands of times I was returning health to their patients through exercise."
Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna) in his book "Canon of Medicine" and "Book of Healing" describes in detail the treatment and prevention of various diseases with the help of medical gymnastics, water treatment, hardening, diet, etc. In the Middle Ages, occupations physiotherapy, massage and bath has been given too little attention and they were virtually forgotten. In 1573 published the first textbook on gymnastics Merkuriasa "The Art of Gymnastics". German Dr. F. Hoffmann (1660-1742) developed a very popular at that time a non-standard treatment system, this system takes a significant share of the use of rubbing, diet, massage, physiotherapy, etc. Convincing his aphorism: "The movement - the best treatment for the body."
In 1771 published a textbook in two volumes in orthopedics, which are described in detail gymnastics, gidroprotsedury, massage, diet, etc. In 1780 the published work of Tissot "Medical gymnastics, or exercise of human organs under the laws of physiology, hygiene and therapeutics, it sets out descriptions of various physical exercises, massage (rubbing) as well as their use for treating all sorts of diseases. In medical XVII-XVIII centuries. (J. M. Guardia, 1892) describes application of exercise to get rid of injuries. Englishman F. Fuller in the XVIII century. published a work entitled The Medical Gymnastics ". In Germany at the beginning of the XVII century. Hoffman wrote a guide, "Mechanotherapy", it describes the principles of massage, medical gymnastics, gidroprotsedur to get rid of various diseases.
Physical exercise for therapeutic purposes in Russia began to be used in the XVIII century. Thus, in the edition of the famous Russian medics MJ Mudrova, NP Maksimovic-Ambodika, N. Pirogov, SG Zybelina, SP Botkin, GA Zakharyin, PF Lesgaft and many others told about the importance of exercise, hardening in the treatment of various ailments.
At the beginning of the second half of the XIX century. Russian doctors have proven therapeutic effect dose of exercise, so that GI Sokolsky, recommending walking as a therapeutic agent, or AI Polunin, declared that exercises not only trains, strengthens the body and prevents the development of the disease, but apart from that cures the disease.
At the end of the XVIII century. and the beginning of the XIX century. The founders of Military Medicine and Hygiene (M. Ya wisely, AG Beheraht, I. Enegolm, AP Vladimirsky, etc.) strongly suggested to use natural factors and physical exercises to strengthen the health of soldiers and increase their readiness. In 1836, an outstanding surgeon, RS Chetyrkin, in practice, to use the system functional treatment of recovering the "feeble teams" applying for this gymnastic exercises, hardening, occupational therapy.
Development of national science and culture in the XIX century., Particularly in the second half, influenced the development of the science of physical education at promoting physical methods of treatment, especially increased interest in medical gymnastics, massage, Mechano-therapy, hydrotherapy. In 1870, the Medico-Surgical Academy of St. Petersburg for the first time a doctorate in medical gymnastics (GG Benešov. Rational gymnastics as a means to maintain health and heal some chronic illnesses).
In 1864, the Swede T. Brandt developed a system of therapeutic exercise and massage to treat patients with gynecological diseases. In 1881 the German Ertel for the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels suggested a method of climbing in mountainous terrain (terrenkur). In 1884, Schott developed exercises for heart patients, which was based on resistance exercises. In 1889 a Swiss doctor Frenkel proposed a set of compensatory gymnastics for the treatment of ataxia, paralysis, paresis, and other diseases of the nervous system.
In the major cities of our country in the XIX century a network of "medical-gymnastic facilities for the treatment of outpatients gymnastics, massage, physiotherapy and other methods. By the end of the XIX century and the beginning of XX century has opened many branches of medical gymnastics, massage, mechanotherapy, as playgrounds, paths for path, bathing, etc. Training as a therapeutic method used in most medical institutions.
Gymnastics and massage are widely used to treat the resorts Saki, Druskininkai, Abas-Fog, etc.
In 1877, in St. Petersburg opened the country's only rehabilitation center (rehab) treatment of the wounded, using gymnastics mechanotherapy, physiotherapy and other methods.
In 1888, Prof. Leopards organized in Moscow massage-gymnastic institute. In 1890, in St. Petersburg, VF Diakovsky created a medical-Mechanical Institute. The famous Russian surgeon NI Pies insisted on the use of physical exercises for the treatment and rehabilitation of the wounded.
In 1910, Singer and Gofbauer developed and implemented a remedial gymnastics (breathing exercises) in bronchial asthma, emphysema and bronchitis.
In our country after the First World War is growing rapidly rehabilitation of wounded and disabled. Sanatoriums and dispensaries are created for disabled veterans, in addition a special school for children with crippling. Some hospitals used the methods of functional treatment of fractures, etc. In 1927, Clapp worked gymnastics for patients with spinal curvature. At the same time very popular in Europe enjoys the mechanic, designed on a locally-mechanical concepts Zehnder, Caro, Krukenberg.
At the beginning of XX century. built a lot of sanatoriums for children. Russian scientists MJ Wisely, N. Pirogov, SP Botkin, GA Zakhar'in, PF Lesgaft, FA Manassein and many others have promoted and argued the importance of preventive trend in medicine and the widespread use of physical therapy, hardening, occupational therapy, massage.
Considerable importance in the development of rehabilitation and promotion of physical therapy played VV Gorinevskaya, IA Bogashev, VA Zotov, VN Moshkov, VK Dobrovolsky, etc.
Nowadays, physiotherapy as a treatment for the motion of mass is applied in a complex of rehabilitation measures in hospitals, dispensaries, clinics and other health care facilities.