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KINESITHERAPY with injuries and Diseases of central and peripheral nervous system

  The nervous system controls the activity of various organs and systems that make up the entire organism, carries out its relationship with the environment, as well as coordinating the processes occurring in the body depending on the external and internal environment. It shall coordinate circulation, lymph flow, metabolic processes, which, in the willow turn, affect the status and activities of the nervous system.

Human nervous system conventionally divided into central and peripheral (Fig. 121). In all organs and tissues of the nerve fibers form of sensory and motor nerve endings. The first, or receptors, provide the perception of stimuli from the external or internal environment and convert the energy of stimuli (mechanical, chemical, thermal, light, sound, etc.) in the excitation process, is passed in the CNS. Motor nerve endings convey the excitement of the nerve fibers to the innervated organ.

Fig. 121. The central and peripheral nervous system.

 A: 1 - phrenic nerve, 2 - brachial plexus; 3 - intercostal nerves, 4 - axillary nerve, 5 - musculo-cutaneous nerve, 6 - radial nerve; 7 - median nerve; 8 - ulnar nerve; 9 - lumbar plexus, 10 - sacral plexus; 11 - folly and coccygeal plexus; 12 - sciatic nerve; 13 - peroneal nerve, 14 - more-fibular nerve; 15 - Brain 16 - External cutaneous nerve of thigh, 17 - lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve, 18 - tibial nerve.

 B - segments of the spinal cord.

  B - spinal cord: 1 - white matter, 2 - Gray

  substance, 3 - the spinal canal; 4 - anterior horn, posterior horn; 6 - front-roots; 7 - dorsal root 8 -  spinal ganglion; 9 - spinal nerve.

F: 1 - spinal cord, and 2 - anterior branch of spinal nerve, 3 - posterior branch of spinal nerve; 4 - anterior root of spinal nerve; 5 - posterior root of spinal nerve, 6 - posterior horn; 7 - anterior horn, 8 - spinal ganglion; 9 - spinal nerve; 10 - motor neuron, 11 - spinal ganglion; 12 - filum terminale; 13 - muscle fibers, 14 - a sensitive nerve, 15 - the end of a sensory nerve, 16 - Brain

It is known that the higher motor centers are located in the so-called motor cortex - in front of the central gyrus and adjacent areas. Nerve fibers from the area of the cerebral cortex pass through the internal capsule, subcortical region, and on the border of the brain and spinal cord make an incomplete decussation with the transition most of them in the opposite direction. Therefore, when diseases of the brain motor disturbances observed on the opposite side: the defeat of the right hemisphere of the brain is paralyzed the left half of the body, and vice versa. Further down the nerve fibers in the spinal cord pencils, going to the motor cells, motor neurons of the anterior horns of the spinal cord. Motor neurons that regulate the movement of the upper limbs, lie in the cervical enlargement of spinal cord (level V-VIII of the cervical and I-II thoracic segments), and lower extremities - in the lumbar (level I-V lumbar and I-II sacral segments). By the same spinal motoneurons are sent and fibers extending from nerve cell nuclei node basis - subcortical motor centers of the brain, the reticular formation of brain stem and cerebellum. This ensures that the regulation of motor coordination, performed involuntary (automatic) and prepared by voluntary movements. Fiber motor anterior horn cells of spinal cord included in the nerve plexus and peripheral nerve ending in the muscles (Fig. 122).

Fig. 122. The boundaries of dermatomes and segmental innervation (A, B), muscle

Human (B), a cross-section of spinal cord (F).

A: C 1-8 - cervical, T 12.1 - thoracic; L 1-5 - lumbar; S 1-5 - sacral.

B: 1 - cervical ganglion, 2 - middle cervical ganglion, 3 -

the lower cervical ganglion, 4 - Edge sympathetic trunk;

                5 - Brain cone 6 - terminal (final) thread

7 - lower sacral knot

sympathetic trunk.

В In (front): 1 - frontal muscle; 2 - Chewing

4 — muscle, 3 - sternocleidomastoid muscle; 4 -

6 — pectoralis major muscle, 5 - latissimus dorsi, 6 -

muscle; 7 - white line, 8 - seed

9 — cord;  flexor of thumb, 10 - quadriceps, 11 - Peroneus

muscle, 12 - anterior tibial muscle of 13 - long

 extensor digitorum; 14 - short muscles rear foot, 15 - facial muscles, 16 - platysma;

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